Friday, May 6, 2011


Since I originally came to Rwanda I noticed that many Spanish (often Mexican) soap operas are very commonly played on various television stations.
My first year in Rwanda I was introduced to a show that is called Storms Over Paradise. After that came Hidden Passions, Shades of Sin, Don’t Mess with an Angle, just to name a few. I also realized that it wasn’t just me that was watching them. Many of the Rwandans and Ugandans watched, and not only did the women watch, the men enjoyed them very much too.
Recently one of the only channels in English (STVE2) started playing them too. For the last six weeks I was not working and therefore became glued to the TV. Not only did I decide at times to not leave my house in order to watch the next episode, but I even organized my cooking lunch and dinner times around my favorite ones. At the moment Sorteligio, Catalina y Sebastian, I am Your Master (Soy tu duena) and another one that I can’t remember the name of, are getting all my attention.
Strangely enough they are just too good to be true. I know they are so over the top, but somehow that is what makes them that much more appealing.
I think that the US needs to get on the bandwagon and start airing them dubbed..because I think a lot of Americans would enjoy them..haha

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